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Sustainable Water Visions focused on the theme of sustainability in water management. The free digital event was held on March 22nd, 2022 and moderated by the journalist and writer Fabio Deotto.

Interested in improving sustainability in water management?

Find out what the speakers at our event had to say.

"Sustainable Water Visions"

by Fabio Deotto

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"The importance of investing in climate resilience"

by Piet Dircke

Learn how can climate resilience be applied through waterfronts in cities and improve people's quality of life.

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"Future challenges in water cycle management"

by Renzo Rosso

Our specialist in Hydrology and Hydraulic Constructions at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA) at the Politecnico di Milano, will deal with the role and importance of water, closely linked to our future.

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"Digital transformation and water demand management to empower cities in pursuit of water security"

by Andrea Cominola

Benefit from a technical lens to analyze the global context of the digital transformation of water utilities and how water consumption data gathered at high spatial and temporal scales, coupled with advanced data analytics, can provide powerful information to promote behavior change and enrich cities’ portfolios of management interventions in pursuit of water security.

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"Water and Bamboo: strategic natural resources for a sustainable future"

by Mauricio Cardenas

Discover how water can be used to collect and store large quantities of water to return it to the ground during periods of drought, to cool the air naturally and without using energy, to control temperature and acoustics, to heat and cool indoor spaces and water for domestic.

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“Resideo’s approach to sustainability"

by Erin Woodward

Find out how Resideo includes sustainabilty in its product portfolio

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