Fresh Solutions for Spring

Does the Air in Your Home Need a Refresh?
Your home is unique. You have individual comfort preferences. Take this quick and easy quiz to determine which smart home products will work best for you and your unique home.

Spring Energy Savings
Spring means open windows and breathing in that fresh outdoor air. Energy efficiency can reduce both indoor and outdoor concentrations of air pollutants. Upgrading your home with energy efficient products not only saves you money but reduces the demand for electricity, which contributes to a reduction in air pollution.
It's time to clear out the winter fog as the days get longer and fill with sunshine and fresh flowers, along with some welcome spring showers. Set yourself up for success this spring by taking steps to prepare for the warmer days ahead.

Refresh Your Peace of Mind
Warmer weather means spending more time out and about and away from home. When you know home is secure you can keep your focus on having fun in the sun. Claire Zinnecker, founder of Claire Zinnecker Designs, retired her guard dogs to a life of leisure and gained fresh peace of mind with a home security system.

Conserve Water
Whether you're watering your lawn or spring garden, washing winter off your car, or just playing in the hose with your kids, warmer weather typically means using more water. We have some tips to help you rethink your water use.

Reset Home Energy Use
Looking for energy leaks and making your home as energy efficient as it can be should be a part of every spring cleaning checklist.

Refresh Home Air Quality
Do you know what's in the air in your home? Most people spend 90% of their lives indoors so make understanding what's in your home's air and improving it part of your spring cleaning checklist.

Change Your Air Filter
Not all air filters are created equal. Make sure you choose the right filter to refresh your home this spring.