For over 60 years, BRK has built a legacy of trust and innovation delivering unparalleled reliability in fire safety. Our full line includes smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, heat alarms, fire extinguishers, relays, motion sensors, fire escape ladders and smart home products. BRK is your partner for safety and security.

Smoke Alarms
BRK smoke alarms offer a wide variety of features including 10-year sealed battery and hardwired alarms.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms
BRK carbon monoxide alarms include battery, plug-in and tabletop options.

Combination Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms
BRK combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms offer 2-in-1 protection from both types of danger.

Fire Extinguishers
Featuring fire extinguishers for multiple uses, including home and commercial applications.

Other Safety Products
BRK offers a wide variety of safes from fireproof lock boxes to bolt down safes, home test kits including radon, and escape ladders to help provide a safe exit from 2 and 3 story homes in the event of an emergency.

Introducing Precision Detection Technology

Excerpts from Codes and Standards

Fire Safety Laws and Legislation

Rep Locator

Product Support
Technical Questions?
Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CST
Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. CST
Order Inquiries?
Customer Payment
Portal Notice
Please note that the current payment option will be disabled January 27th, 2023 and our new credit card process will be implemented.