VISTA Platform
The VISTA Hybrid Residential and SMB family is a proven security and life safety platform.
The VISTA® Residential and Light Commercial Family
VISTA is a proven security and life safety platform that’s highly flexible and scalable, offering a wide selection of hardwired and wireless sensors, numerous user interface options, and support for automation capabilities. The VISTA family of products is among the most widely recognized and reliable brands in the industry with the largest security system install base in the world.
The versatile system offers options to send alarm signals, upload/download capability, and remote services via IP or LTE communications, improving the speed at which information can be delivered to and from the control panel. This maximizes system longevity and reduces service calls and future upgrade costs.
The VISTA-20P has the broadest array of residential hardwired or wireless sensor zone options that protect life and property, creates awareness and convenience with environmental options like thermostat, water shut-off and lighting control, as well as advanced functions like audio.
VISTA At-A-Glance Commercial Brochure (English)
VISTA-20P Data Sheet (English)
VISTA-20PUL Data Sheet (English)
Residential Features Comparison Chart (English)
Keypad Family Flyer (English)
VISTA At-A-Glance Residential Brochure (English)
VISTA Plus Series Sales Brochure (English)
LTE Family Data Sheet (English)
Total Connect Compatibility Chart (English)
Honeywell Home Control Panels Feature Charts (English)
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