A True Smarthome Ecosystem
Connecting the most vital areas of the home to optimize comfort and control.

New Tools for Your Toolkit
Learn how our expanded portfolio ensures you have the perfect thermostat for every install, so you can deliver ideal comfort for all your customers.
Air Quality Solutions

E1 Pro
The new Honeywell Home E1 PRO Non-Programable Thermostat from Resideo meets customer needs — and their budget. This offers precise comfort control and simplified operation at a value that can't be matched.

Pro 3000
The returning Honeywell Home PRO 3000 from Resideo lets you offer your customers a convenient, non-connected thermostat combining convenience with an easy-to-read digital display.

A quick set-up and standardized installation process makes the T3 PRO a go-to for contractors looking to deliver big value. And the UWP means you can upgrade to a connected thermostat in a snap. (C-Wire included)

High-Efficiency Filters
Resideo's High-Performance Return Grille Filters set the standard for excellence. They last longer than traditional 1" filters, capture up to 85% of particles (for particles for 1-3 microns), and reduce strain on equipment. Plus, they're easy to install and come with 8 different size options.
Training Built for You

AirCycle Program
The Resideo AirCycle Program is an easy way to drive more indoor air quality opportunities. Using the AirCycle Pro Monitor and easy-to-understand reports, you'll be confident in showing homeowners meaningful, measurable data. They'll be better able to take care of their home's air quality, while you'll be confident you can offer the right solution for their needs.

Product Webinars
You can stay home and help your business grow with free online learning opportunities from Resideo. Learn about our latest products and solutions — especially for indoor air quality —in one-hour sessions lead by Resideo experts, and even earn NATE credits as you go.