Loyalty Programs for Pros

Resideo has loyalty programs personalized for everyone. Explore the programs below:

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Enroll in Pro PERKS
by November 15th

for your chance to win a Polaris® RZR Side-By-Side, Traeger®
Grill or $1,000 in Pro PERKS points.* Don’t miss out!

Sign Up Today

*Sweepstakes is ONLY open to HVAC and plumbing pros who are new Resideo Pro PERKS enrollees.

Installer sitting at desk with laptop in front


Resideo helps you own the home and business with all the tools
and technical information you need to sell,
install and service the entire portfolio of solutions.

  • Product training and webinars
  • Dedicated sales and support resources
  • Customer service support for all Resideo solutions.
Sign Up Now

Now’s the Time to Join Pro Perks

For HVAC and plumbing pros, there’s never been a better time to enroll in our Pro PERKS Loyalty Program. You can earn as much as 4% back on Resideo product purchases (depending on the tier you achieve), plus get lead-generation tools and training solutions to help your business grow, improve and thrive.

Protential: See It, Believe It, Achieve It

Use Resideo solutions to bring comfort to more areas of the home and grow your business like never before. It’s more than just potential; it’s Protential – powered by our:

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Technical training, sales courses and webinars to help take your business to the next level.

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Marketing Tools

Digital solutions, co-op ads and other tools to help expand your reach and attract more customers.

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Earn cash-back on Resideo product purchases plus product certificates and other incentives.

HVAC & Plumbing Distributors: we’ve got you covered, too!


Innovation Everywhere: For Whole-Home Comfort & Control

Use these solutions to enhance homeowner comfort, control and peace of mind, in every room and during any time of day.

Training that Drives Learning & Earning

At Resideo, we offer real-world training and support programs designed for pros and by pros – so your team can master every install and identify more upsell opportunities.

Water Training Modules

In-depth instruction to help you make the most of our potable and hydronic solutions

Live & On-Demand Webinars

Covering our air, water, security and energy solutions; earn NATE points with live webinar attendance!

Stay Up to Date with Every Innovation

Receive emails with the latest news and updates from Resideo.